Monday, February 18

Holding My World

I chatted with my mom this morning.  Her and dad were on the way to get ingredients to make spaghetti -- their grand kids' request.  Oakley is an awesome little eater -- but he'll stick to milk!  Anna and Mark are doing well -- tired, of course, but good.  Trusting that through the power of Jesus' sacrifice, they can lean on their God who...

'Will never forget all of His goodness and all of His promises!  He's holding my world in His hands!'

Update:  The yard sale will be in Fort Worth on March 2nd.
  • Donate in Fort Worth: text or call Ali.
  • Donate in Dallas: text or call April.
  • Donate in McKinney: text or call Aimee.

Friday, February 15

Squeals of Excitement

Let's start off with the BIG NEWS and then go from there...

Baby O was born early this morning, February 15, 2012!   So do you want to know how awesome God's timing was!?!?

Last weekend, Mark's friends at work gifted their family with tickets to the circus.  Mark's parents and sister went with them and it was a really fun time!  This last week, they also learned that Baby O was sunny side up and started praying for him to turn. 

On February 12th, my parents arrived in KY and together they deep cleaned and did typical "nesting" things.  On February 14th, Valentine's Day, Anna and Mark spent the day all day date!  Awesome, right!

Anna started having serious contractions in the middle of the night on February 14th -- a little less than a week early.  At 3am they went to the birthing center.  He was no longer sunny side up and by 4am, she birthed Baby O -- a good sized baby boy!  Totally God's mercy!  I've seen the pics...Baby O is good looking, Mom and Dad are GLOWING!  J & M will be at the birthing center to meet their baby brother in just a bit!  God is so good...thanks for your ongoing prayers!

Wednesday, February 6

Yard Sale Donations

Please clean out your closets, kids rooms, kitchen, playroom, attic, and garage to raise funds for Mark and Anna!  We'd love to accept your donations Friday, February 22nd and Saturday, February 23rd ...we'll price them and get them ready to go for the sale.  Text or call Ali to set up a drop off time.  We'd love you to donate any items you are no longer needing.  We're also accepting baked items (cupcakes, cookies, Little Debbie snacks) water bottles or can sodas that we can sell at the garage sale.

Feel free to come and work the yard sale with us or stop by just to visit and shop!  The Fundraiser Yard Sale will be Saturday, March 2nd 8 am - 5 pm.  SPREAD THE WORD!!!!

Monday, February 4

Character Revealing

I was talking with a girlfriend (an oncology nurse) today and of course my baby sister and her family came up in our discussion.  She said, 'some refer to these type of situations as character building, but my mom likes to refer to them as character revealing.'  Isn't that so true!  When we're stretched...what is within comes out!

My mom and Anna had an awesome conversation this weekend --- here's a little recap!  1. A complete answer to prayer, Mark's eye sight has returned.  For the first time in a long time he's able to read again --- for curious peeps like myself, he spent a lot of time reading through John 1:1-18.  2.  Anna had another OB check up and Baby O is doing great (almost 38 weeks now).  3.  It snowed at their house this weekend and Anna, Mark, and M and J had a blast playing together in the snow! 

Anna said, we don't know what tomorrow holds so we're trying to focus on today and enjoy the time we have together! 
Isn't this how we're all suppose to live!?!?  Church isn't just something Mark and Anna attend on Sunday.  They have a deep, abiding love for Jesus.  Mark hasn't been able to work for quite some time and medical bills are obviously crazy high, but Jesus has given them both the promise of eternal life and that is the gift they cling to!  He has perfectly provided for them for the last 30+ years they have no doubt that He won't lovingly provide for tomorrow!  He's giving them moment by moment peace and the prayers of family, friends, and friends of friends is a huge praise and blessing that they don't take for granted!

Friday, February 1

Sister Chat

Anna and I had a fun conversation.  I thought my call would encourage her, but she ended up being a huge source of encouragement to me!  Here are some of the personal ways that God is caring for their sweet family.
  • Anna has made it to week 37 of pregnancy.
  • Baby O checked out great at his appointment this week.
  • Anna said her friends are bringing her such awesome meals and treats that the OB could tell she had been eating well.  (I'll never forget my end of pregnancy weigh ins).
  • Anna really wanted a wooden cradle in her room and a sweet friend has one that they'd love for the them to borrow.
  • Another friend has a real fun truck-themed crib bedding set that they're thrilled to loan Anna and Mark.
  • Mark still has his sense of humor!  Friends keep telling them how encouraging they are.  Mark's response to Anna, "Who would have thought that I could be more useful to people while sick than I ever was when I was well?!?"
  •  Mark has been blessed with an abundance of energy lately.  He's been up early folding laundry, cleaning floors...such a huge blessing to Anna at this point in her pregnancy.
  • Both sets of parents have affirmed them over and over that they will walk through this with them every step of the way.
  • They are extremely aware that they have a supernatural strength carrying them through this season and feel overwhelmingly blessed by the prayers, gifts, and words of encouragement from family, friends, and friends of friends!