Wednesday, January 2

New Neurosurgeon

Dear friends - Mark and Anna, along with Mark's father and sister, met with a new neurosurgeon this morning. He proposed a different course of action, recommending a biopsy of the tumor be performed before any surgery to remove it is attempted. The biopsy would tell the doctors exactly what type of tumor Mark has, and would allow the doctors to treat him more appropriately. Mark and Anna have agreed with this course, and Mark will have the biopsy at 12PM tomorrow, Thursday, January 3rd.

Please pray for complete healing for Mark! Our God "is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think" (Ephesians 3:20)! Mark will have an MRI before the biopsy - pray that the Lord would completely remove the tumor before then. And, if our Lord allows the tumor to remain, pray that Mark would be kept safe through the procedure and that Anna would have "the peace of God which surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:7). Continue to pray also for their children and families - especially their parents and sisters who are serving them so faithfully.

Mark and Anna continue to be thankful for your love, support, and prayers!

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